Monthly Meeting:
9:00 AM - 2nd Saturday of the month
TBD. Call or email for location.
For more information contact:
Al Head 970-209-0981
Devoted to sustaining and advancing the art of woodturning...
A proud chapter of the American Association of Woodturners
SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 the Montrose Area Woodturners were privileged to enjoy the wood turning demonstrations of Jimmy Clewes, a professional wood turner from Great Britain who now makes his home in Las Vegas. The entertaining Clewes provided the wood turners with a day filled with his gifted, self-taught turning skills as well as his anecdotal, humorous stories based upon his personal experiences as a wood turning professional. As Clewes makes his living from his wood turning, he told all of us that he rarely turns wood at home. Rather he spends his free time sifting through the Nevada sands searching for gold. A prospector at heart and a true professional.
We certainly hope Clewes enjoyed his visit to the Montrose Area Wood Turners as much as we enjoyed his skills, talented entertaining, and gifted storytelling. Come back soon Jimmy!