Monthly Meeting:

9:00 AM - 2nd Saturday of the month    


TBD. Call or email for location.

For more information contact:

Al Head 970-209-0981


Devoted to sustaining and advancing the art of woodturning...

A proud chapter of the American Association of Woodturners

On October 7th and 8th, Montrose Area Woodturners (MAW) gathered for demonstrations and hands-on training by professional woodturner, Trent Bosch of Fort Collins, CO.
     Trent is an artist whose  philosophy has always been to work in harmony with the environment. He strives to use only recycled and easily sustainable woods.
     The focus was on hollow forms and surface enhancements.  Novice-to-expert turners attended and all came away with a few new techniques!
     Thanks to Trent for two days of great demonstrations.